Tuesday, 5 February 2013

In Their Own Words

In Their Own Words:  Portraits and Interviews is an email and blog post campaign.  The goal is to allow people all over the world feel a little more connected to those here in Africa.

These interviews were voluntary, all of the people interviewed and photographed were attending "The Ten Principles of Leadership Short Course" in Soroti, Uganda


What do you think is the biggest problem in Africa?  Poverty. 

How would you change that problem?  I think that we Africans need to start taking up our responsibility and do work.  We need to use our time well, we have a lot of time. 

What do you do for fun?  Read, watch football matches, play volleyball

When are you happiest?   When I am physically healthy

What have you learned/gained from The 10 Principles of Leadership program? This week I have learned how important it is to manage my time well.

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?  Do this (10 principles of leadership) course!  (this comment was unprompted)

What is the biggest issue in your local community?   Paying school fees for the children, because there are so many.

What can you do to change this challenge?  We should plan our families better, and start family income generating activities which the children help with so that they learn even as they are helping to make money for the family.

What do you do for fun?  I enjoy playing netball and table (board) games

What is your favorite color?  Blue, because of the way it catches your eye.
From this course I have realized that I should have a vision and mission for my life, so that I know where I am going.  I have also realized the importance of having a personal budget. 

If you could give advice to young people today, what would it be?   Listen to advice, make right decisions, and pray.

What is the biggest challenge in your community?  Money for all of life’s activities

What are you happiest?  When I am with my wife

How long have you been married?  7 years, but I would have married sooner if it wasn’t for the insurgency we had here in the East.  After the war, the government paid for our schooling, so I went and got a diploma in teaching.  Then I got married.

What advice would you give to married people?  Learn to forgive each other, accept mistakes, and be prayerful.

What have you learned/gained from The 10 Principles of Leadership program?  From this course, I have learned about having a personal vision and mission statement.  Also, I have realized that I was wasting a huge amount of time.  I need to start recognizing my own roles and setting goals, so that I use my time more wisely.

What is your biggest challenge you face?  To live my life the way I feel I am supposed to.  My Husband wants to marry another wife, and I am not ok with it.  Another challenge is bringing up children, and of course, resources.

When are you the happiest?  When I am with friends.  Later added: I am happiest when a healthy baby is born.  (She works as a midwife)

What have you learned/gained from The 10 Principles of Leadership program? This week I have learned that I can reason for hope in my life.

(King) David
Nicknamed King David by the group, David is a soft spoke, kind man.  He has a lot of wisdom.  King David works selling used clothes to make money. He is a leader in his local church group.

“I want to learn to love people.  I don’t think I am very good at loving people who are different from me yet.”

What are the biggest challenges in Africa?  1. Poverty  2. Dependence Syndrome

What would you do to change these issues?  1.  I would encourage better uses of our resources, and I would tell people to start with what they already have.  2.  I would tell people to believe in themselves, and that they don’t need others from outside to achieve things with their lives.

What businesses do you run?  A decorating business, poultry farm, piggery, a banana plantation, and import/export company.  My husband is a local magistrate.

What do you think is the challenge is for people who have less than you?  I think, personally, that they have an “I can’t do anything” mentality.  I just want to say to everyone, “You have life, hands and a brain!”

What is your favorite color?  Pink! … and blue.

What advice would you give to the whole world?  (With laughter)  “Not to sound like Obama, but I would probably say something like “We can! We are able to change our lives and situations!”

What have you learned/gained from The 10 Principles of Leadership program?  From this course I learned the importance of thinking ahead, with the end in mind.  I also learned that in everything I do, I should commit and work hard for excellence.  Finally, I was challenged to stop pointing fingers at others and start taking responsibility for my own life and actions. 

BONUS for blog readers!  Two more...

What is the biggest challenge facing youth today?  Finances.   We can change that by helping young people to find incoming generating activities.
What do you want to do with your life? I was to use media and broadcasting to bring people hope and be a positive influence in people’s lives. 

When are you happiest?  When I am sharing my faith with others, and when I am learning.

Why do you wear glasses (after seeing him for a long time without them)?  "I fear dust so much!"

What have you learned/gained from The 10 Principles of Leadership program?  During the course I learned that we have a choice in how we respond to the various stimulus in our lives.  I also was able to write a person Vision and Mission and now understand that my life has purpose! 

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?   Make right decision when responding to the situations around you.

 "I have Primary 7 English"... I smiled.  "You're doing great" I encouraged her.  "Just sit here with me, and we'll talk.  You can do it."  Her old eyes brightened, and she sat and had a perfect conversation in a language she doesn't think she speaks.

When are you happiest?  When I am with my family, and when I am at church.

How long have you been serving in the church?  40 years

What is the biggest challenge your community is facing?  Money, and a lack of jobs.  All of my children have an education, but they cannot find work.  They need to support me as I get older, but there are no jobs.